Someone recently was asking me why I became a librarian. I became a librarian because I was so awed and inspired by this video. I'm sure you will be, too!
It is working for me, the link that is. Gosh, those patrons are so well dressed and behaved, talk about a fantasy land. Then again, patrons are still typical: "I don't know the author, title of book, but I know it is blue and about TV (or insert topic here)." The more things change, the more they stay the same. I feel so inspired.
Great video. How little things have changed in the library world. It appears Karen Hyman's Rule of 1965 should actually be the Rule of 1955...or 1945...
The Annoyed Librarian is possibly the most successful, respected, and desirable librarian of her generation. She has no other interest than to bring her wit and wisdom to the huddled librarian masses yearning to breathe free. The Annoyed Librarian is a free spirit and you are lucky to have her.
Hmm, the link seems to be dead now. Did the thousands of AL fans overload an unsuspecting server/bandwidth limit somewhere?
And I was sooo looking to be inspired this morning as well. Don't mind me . . . I'll just go back to my office and cry for a few hours.
I don't know what the problem could be. It worked for me in both IE and Firefox. Perhaps you need to install Quicktime.
It is working for me, the link that is. Gosh, those patrons are so well dressed and behaved, talk about a fantasy land. Then again, patrons are still typical: "I don't know the author, title of book, but I know it is blue and about TV (or insert topic here)." The more things change, the more they stay the same. I feel so inspired.
It ain't bad!
"Approved and worthwhile channels" Ha!
Great video. How little things have changed in the library world. It appears Karen Hyman's Rule of 1965 should actually be the Rule of 1955...or 1945...
That video was made in 1947, and I think one of those librarians is still working behind my circulation desk.
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