Friday, November 10, 2006

Another Pool

This looks like a very exciting job opportunity for some lucky guy or gal--Substitute Librarian! And if you remember how your substitute teachers were treated when you were in school, you're probably dying to get this job. I know you're very excited about joining the pool and possibly, potentially working at the exotic Foothill-De Anza Community College District.

But what do you need to apply? All you need is an MLS or its equivalent! Another perk of the MLS is qualifying for jobs like this!

It's the application procedure that might get a bit annoying, though. Of course they need the standard application, resume, and cover letter. No problem. They also need college transcripts. This must be a community college thing, because I see it a lot in their ads. Seems strange to me, but then so does most of what goes on in the world. However, check out this required submission:

"4. A separate document that provides information which demonstrates your understanding of, sensitivity to, and respect for the diverse academic, socio-economic, ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds, disability, and sexual orientation of community college students, faculty and staff."

Hmmm. As the kids say today, WTF? What exactly would this be? Do they want an essay talking about how sensitive and inclusionary I am? Would it become an essay contest? "Well, Janet, this candidate does a marvelous job of talking about how she understands, sensitivizes, and respects everyone under the sun, except herself of course, which is obvious from the groveling, sycophantic tone she takes. Let's throw her in the pool!" Or perhaps they have a separate checklist or something? Or is there a standard document for demonstrating this that I don't know about? Some government EEOC form where you can check off all the different groups you sensitively and respectively understand? Just what form this bizarre document would take is left unspecified. But I suppose that's where the fun comes in.

The great thing is that since there isn't really a job, there's no deadline.

"Foothill-De Anza Community College District is establishing a pool of qualified applicants for Substitute Librarian. Applications will be accepted continuously until otherwise noted. Applications will remain on file for two years from the date it is received."

But you might want to hurry and apply anyway, because the pool will no doubt fill up quickly!


A. Rivera said...

WTF indeed. I did substitute teaching briefly before I got my first school teaching job, in my previous life. Oh, I do remember the panicked calls at the crack of dawn to go work in some middle school with a group of brats in some art class. Yea, I am sure dying to do THAT again. And I am not even going to dignify the "MLS or equivalent" part here. Of course, I bet there is another thing the ALA is not about to address. Best, and keep on blogging.

Anonymous said...

WTF squared. De Anza is not only located in the most expensive reegion inteh nation, Silicon Valley, it's diverse population ranges from the poor and underserved of East Palo Alto to the feckless, insufferably spoiled spawn of millionaires who to their chargrin of their overachieving multimillionaire make the term "ne'er do well" seem like a stretch as a career goal.


Anonymous said...

WTF squared. De Anza is not only located in the most expensive region in the nation, Silicon Valley, it's diverse population ranges from the poor and underserved of East Palo Alto to the feckless, insufferably spoiled spawn of millionaires who (to the chargrin of their overachieving multimillionaire parents) make the term "ne'er do well" seem like a stretch as a career goal.

--Taupey, Run-on Champion of the Free World

AL said...

Taupey, I think you're well on the way to an essay explaining how diversively inclusionary you are.

Anonymous said...

I don't suppose anyone would be interested in creating a boilerplate version of such a "document" and posting it somewhere for all to see and use? I mean, it could be sincere & everything, just... stock.

AL said...

I'm thinking of doing that myself if I can motivate myself this weekend. But I'm not sure anyone would want to use it.