Here are the rules:
"1. Post a picture from a source like FlickrCC or Flickr Creative Commons or make/take your own that captures what YOU are most passionate about for kids to learn about...and give your picture a short title.
2. Title your blog post "Meme: Passion Quilt" and link back to this blog entry.
3. Include links to 5 folks in your professional learning network or whom you follow on Twitter/Pownce."
Unfortunately, I just couldn't follow the rules. The thought of putting the words "meme" or "passion quilt" in my post title made me cringe, and I don't have a professional learning network, so that was out as well. Other than that, I'm trying to play nice.
I've seen several bloggers do this, and planned to mock it if I ever got around to writing the post. There's lots of heartwarming stuff out there about how we all need to change or connect or share. Yuck. Can't do any of that stuff professionally, even in my relatively content current state. This one was much better, by the way, and gave me the strength to go on. So, here's my entry:

Get a Life Outside the Library
And I don't tag people, since I have no professional learning network. So you're on your own.
So true, AL! I love it! Sometimes these professional learning network librarian bloggers take themselves way too seriously.
Make t-shirts, please! (I have a life outside of the library, just not a very good wardrobe)
Now I see why I left the field altogether. Thanks for the reminder. This garbage can become mind numbing after a while. Just watch the martinis and don't fall off the barstool.
Amen to that!
Let's add 'happy talk' to our librarian skill set. eh.
I am so there...just let me know when the martini hour or minute starts.
Anyone who has a life outside of the library is either a slacker or a woman.
Amen. I agree with one of the anon. commenters: we should be making tee-shirts. These people just take themselves way too seriously. Get a life!
Thanks. [grin]
Make Love, not LOC.
Did somebody say t-shirts?
So that's what my cats get up to all day?
Or self-portrait?
Or is AL one of my cats?
Baker or Taylor down the pub?
next thing you know, AL will have on-line games here so we can amuse ourselves.
It is what all the hip teens do at libraries now.
heavy sigh
Man, there is some girly damn stuff out there.
LMAO. Yes, I feel that one when I'm in the public library but only in the adult room. One guy even hits every library in the area for computer time. WT?
Meme is a stupid word and I applaud you for not using it. For that matter, blog is a stupid word. Passion quilt? What?
Must say, that is the perfect picture. You should change your icon to it!
Small world,, I know Stephen Abrams,, the question is,, why does he love your blog so much.
Yea,, ok,, dumb question,, forgive meh.
I doubt he likes the blog, but it might be one he loves to hate or something like that. I get some of my best material reading his blog. Then again, unlike some critics, he might actually "get" the AL.
Classic. Sign me up for the shirt as well. It still baffles me how they show up en masse 1 hr before the library opens on Sundays.
The AL obviously didn't pay attention to "All rights reserved
This photo is public" at the flickr site and went ahead and deeplinked it anyway without attribution. Back to copyright school for you. You need to take down the innappropriate copyright violation and unattributed link. You may not know how to link people but you sure do know how to appropriate copyrighted images.
I'm the artist of the Martini Party Cat. I like it when people use my art to illustrate a blog post as long as at minimum it's been linked back to the original image page, and that has been done here.
If you like my art please check out my my blog the Eclectic and the Random which is linked to this blogger identity.
Then you should change the all rights reserved notice to the creative commons statement.
Thanks very much, Melis. Your martini party cat was great. I didn't check the all rights reserved notice, but I thought I found this image through the advanced search for images that could be reproduced, and I did link back to it.
I love the picture. For some reason it makes me think of Faust.
It's 5:00 somewhere.
Another round (of applause, martinis, etc.) for the AL!
I like the sound of a passion quilt. Just not in the context of librarians or computers.
Oh bollocks to it... just not in the context of computers.
"The Passion of the AL."
Stealing intellectual property.
How annoying.
Not to be cynical, but I have zero respect for Stephen Abrams. This is just another dumb idea.
Abrams should know that the AL would participate. He wasted on of his tags. He should have to tag someone else.
would = wouldn't in previous post. time for another martini.
Oh my god-"Be the change you want to be?" Passion Quilt?" And he works for SIRSI ("making your job harder than it has to be since 1973," as we say around here)?
Maybe it's time to create a new entry in Bullsh*t Bingo.
"Meme"? Shouldn't that be
Guess the librarian mindrot continues over the internet blogosphere.
Judging by the changes to its customer interfaces, Sirsi wants to be an anchorite community.
So glad to see the AL getting annoyed at something & continuing to write.
Just reading the words "passion quilt" made me nauseous. Wonderful picture though, just perfect.
I think the AL drinks too many martoonis and is too tanked up to blog anymore.
Just a thought.
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