Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Most Prestigious Publication in the Library World

The Salt Lake Main Library in Salt Lake City has been voted "Library of the Year" by some people who get together to vote on things like that and hand around awards and stuff. I was a bit disappointed that the Annoyed Librarian Flea Libary didn't win, since we're heavily progressive with our Library Five-O and Library Spa 2.0 initiatives. But so be it. The people have spoken, and we just have to abide by their decision, though it's just possible this election was stolen.

But what's the really exciting news? Well, when I read a news article about the award, I got to find out what is "the most prestigious publication in the library world." And which one is it? The Library Journal, of course! How could you not have guessed that? What screams PRESTIGE more than the Library Journal? Nothing, that's what!

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